What is POTS?

What is Dysautonomia/POTS:


Dysautonomia is a malfunctioning of the Autonomic Nervous

System, or the unconscious bodily functions – your heart rate, digestion,

breathing, blood pressure, digestion, heartbeat, bladder function &

narrowing or widening of the blood vessels, body temperature, sweating, bowel

function & sleep patterns. Dysautonomia can also be referred to as

Autonomic Neuropathy. Think of it this way – Dysautonomia can interrupt the

inner workings of the human body. A patient with Dysautonomia is most often

bedridden, because when they stand up, their brain forgets to send the correct

signals to the heart to pump blood to the brain. This results in a significant

drop in blood pressure upon standing, along with an increase in heart rate,

because the patient's heart must try to beat overtime to get blood to the brain

so the patient doesn't faint. Testing revealed that for me, when I stand up, my

heart rate typically reaches between 120 & 145 beats per minute, without

even having taken a few steps yet. This is often a target heart rate for

someone that has been running on a treadmill for over 25 minutes. This is a

hallmark characteristic of the condition.

The autonomic nervous system, also known as the

involuntary nervous system, regulates those facets in the body that occur automatically,

such as breathing, It is composed of two branches – the parasympathetic nervous

system & the sympathetic nervous system.

Sympathetic – The sympathetic nervous system is also

known as our stress response system, or the fight or flight system, & it is

set into motion when we experience stress. It increases our heart rate &

blood pressure, dilates pupils, restricts circulation, slows down digestion,

relaxes the bladder, makes us more alert & aware & provides a boost in

energy so that we are capable of dealing with the stressful situation

effectively. It increases energy & is often referred to as the accelerator

of the autonomic nervous system.

Parasympathetic – The job of the parasympathetic nervous

system is the exact opposite. Once the stressful event is over, it brings the

heart rate & blood pressure back to normal, constricts pupils, improves

circulation, enhances digestion, calms us down, contracts the bladder &

puts us into a state of rest & relaxation. It conserves energy & is

often referred to as the breaks of the autonomic nervous system.


What Causes Dysautonomia or Autonomic Nervous System


When the autonomic nervous system is functioning as it

should, the sympathetic nervous system & the parasympathetic nervous system

work in perfect harmony together to maintain balance in the body. The

sympathetic nervous system provides us with the tools we need to respond to

stress adequately & the parasympathetic nervous system restores us to our

normal state of peace & tranquility.

Dysautonomia, or autonomic nervous system dysfunction,

occurs when these two systems fail to work together in harmony. The most common

scenario is the sympathetic nervous system remains dominant most of the time

& the parasympathetic never turns on. When this occurs, then the body

remains in a state of fight or flight at all times. The stress response system

never turns off. If the body remains in a state of fight or flight at all

times, then many degenerative processes begin to happen & result in a

variety of chronic health conditions & overall poor health like those in

our list above, because it is only supposed to be used for brief emergencies.

The stress response system was designed to deal with

brief emergencies that threaten survival. It isn't supposed to last very long

because the body cannot sustain itself for very long in this state. The natural

& preferred state of the mind & body is the parasympathetic state,

because it is regenerative. However, it is willing to forgo its preferred

parasympathetic state to deal with acute emergencies & will remain in that

state if the emergency continues. If the brain & the body remain in the

sympathetic fight or flight state for too long & too often, it is

degenerative; it breaks us down. If this cycle continues, then eventually the

system burns out. It is this cycle that results in Dysautonomia or autonomic

nervous system dysfunction.

Some days my life is like this: