Saturday, September 20, 2014

Art Adventures with POTS

In my art, I don't really follow the rules. I make up what I'm feeling at the moment, put on some dark music, and then work from there. Right now I've been missing some sort of identity for myself. I'm a sick girl with no real stable job or living or life, for that matter. I feel confused and at bay. Trying to work out a job with an illness where I can't work that much is hard and challenging. Not to mention, I'm in my 20's, with no real path in life since I left college. I feel like I'm just wandering around seeing where my life will lead. 

I do want to travel and live on the West Coast. I truly believe it'll be a wonderful place for me. Oregon or Northeast California is a dream for me and I hope, so hope to get out there some day. 

Meanwhile, the POTS has been a bit off lately and most of my days look like this: